JCR Newsletter 1

Thursday, March 9th 2017

Hello and welcome to the first Jersey Cancer Relief Newsletter.  This newsletter will be produced quarterly and will keep you in touch with what the Charity is doing to raise awareness and fund raising.

We have been bowled over by the kind donations we have received over the past quarter. 

The Jersey Harley Owners Group, have raised a wonderful total of £610.38.  They are keen to raise more funds with us during 2017, so watch this space.

During the Christmas holidays we had the Santa Bike Ride arranged kindly by Mark Baker.  This event involves motorcyclists dressing up in Santa outfits and driving around the Island.  They raised a grand total of £586.69 for us. 

Also during December, the Co-op Homemaker store took part in a static cycle challenge in memory of a co-worker Kevin English. They raised an amazing £1,405.00 from sponsorships and donations.



In January Capita Asset Services raised over £2,000 through an organised step challenge, to be split between two charities, Jersey Cancer Relief and Mind Jersey.

The team walked virtually 17 times around the island of Jersey (48 miles) in teams of 6 over 25 days, a total of 1,632,000 steps per team. Over 10 teams at Capita took part in the challenge and smashed their initial targets! The team leader Lara Duhamel said “Jersey Cancer Relief is a charity close to many of our colleagues hearts’ and sometimes, I feel, does not receive the recognition it deserves for everything it does to support families in Jersey”

Also in January Richard Rolland and Peter Bonny raised a whopping £1,070.81 by shaving their heads.

Anita De Gruchy had a big birthday party, instead of presents, she got her friends to donate to the charity raising a whopping £740. 

Staff and Pupils of Grainville school raised an amazing £970.62.

Standard Bank raised £310 with their dress down day and in memory of a colleague.

9th Greve D’Azette Brownies raised £106.08

Arthur Parkes and Mia Mannion raised £40 by busking.

St Martin’s Parish Church Ladies Group raised £87

The Rotary Club of Jersey raised £2,150.

William Reilly raised £400 with his Movember.

Morvan Hotels staff raised a wonderful £1,197.76.

Mourant Ozanne donated £2,500 for the set- up of our admin office.

Derek Cauvain’s Christmas Lights raised £430.54. 

Our leaflet isn’t big enough to name everyone, but we are sincerely grateful for all the donations we receive.

Coming Up…

Blood Sweat and Tears competition will be held at the Jersey Opera House in March and will raise money for Jersey Cancer Relief by Blood Fitness. Blood Fitness focuses on both health/wellbeing and fitness, as well as Muay Thai kick boxing. http://www.bloodfitness.co.uk/



Staff and families of Silversprings Nursing Home are planning a sponsored walk on 18th March. 

The Committee have been hard at work meeting with many new clients, 27 new clients have been seen since the New Year. We are always trying to ensure that help is given where it is needed. 

St Peter’s Indoor Market on Wednesdays and Saturdays has a stall run by Pam De Gruchy and some helpers, in aid of Jersey Cancer Relief.  They will gladly receive donations of bric a brac and books but NO CLOTHES PLEASE.  They have raised in excess of £4,500 so far.


The Committee membership is as follows

Joan Richard, Chairman

Anna Goncalves, Vice Chairman

Derek Denton, Honorary Treasurer

Lyn Houguez, Secretary

Oonagh Butler, Administrator

Mary Audrain, Visitor

Sarah Vivian, Visitor

Miriam Blanchet, Visitor

Rem Floris

Andrew Ingram

We have a new administrator; her name is Oonagh Butler.  Oonagh will be at the office on Burrard St, Monday-Friday during the mornings.  The telephone number is 618148.  Please call her if you have any questions.

A big thank you to Lyn Houguez who has been doing an amazing job prior to Oonagh.  She stepped down as administrator in December and is now our Secretary.

Reminder for all current clients

Remember to let the Charity know if your details have changed or you have moved to a new doctor.

All bills or receipts for payment by the Charity must be sent to the following address:


Jersey Cancer Relief

35 Burrard Street

St Helier



Or emailed to contact@jerseycancerrelief.org


Please remember when you send invoices to the Charity to let us know if you have already paid it and require a refund, by marking PAID on it clearly. 

Also please make sure you keep up to date with your accounts as anything more than 3 months old normally cannot be refunded. 

Thank you


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